16th November 2024

The Stomp is an annual night event for Scouts and Explorers, incorporating a wide variety of team work challenges and activities on a mystery route (usually 8-10 miles) around the Stroud Valleys.

Starting and finishing at Penn Wood Scout Centre teams of 3 – 6 Scouts or Explorers, accompanied by a maximum of 2 leaders/adults if needed, set off round the route with the aim of scoring the most points on all of the challenges and navigating round a route at night.

Most groups find the navigation the most challenging aspect – which is why we keep the checkpoint locations secret until we send you your start times. We ask teams to use a map and compass to navigate – no GPS systems.

The cost of the event is £10 per Scout/Explorer and includes all activities and refreshments on the night.

The event starts from around 4pm but each team is issued a start time. We aim to have everyone back by 2am but teams will call when 30mins from the finish. Your exact start times will made available to your leader nearer the event. 

Bookings to be made by leaders